Newsletter 53: July 2011

Newsletter 53: July 2011

We examine the true cost of gold in Honduras and report on a Salvadoran anti-mining champion being recognised internationally as an environmental champion. We cover the battle to protect indigenous cultures and biodiversity in La Moskitia and The Banana Coast, Honduras.

Newsletter 52: March 2011

Newsletter 52: March 2011

We pay tribute to the Costa Rican union leader Carlos Aguedro Mora and his campaigns against the notorious pesticide Nemagon. Didier Leiton Valverde and Antonio Ramirez report on the human rights abuses of anti-mining activists in E l Salvador. Clay Gordon details the unfair trade between Kraft and Belizean cocoa farmers.


Unicorn Grocery, Manchester donated to ENCA £5564 from their 4% Fund. ENCA used this to support Honduran NGOs CIDICCO for education in agricultural diversity ($4100); and COPINH for Medicinal Herb Garden ($4000).

IPES Permaculture for training days, $1347

Clinica Xochilt Materials for Training Workshops, $320

SITRAP Costa Rica Banana Workers union, for small expenses on UK tour, £100

SELVA for small expenses for Environment Day celebrations, £15

Newsletter 51: November 2010

Newsletter 51: November 2010

How fair is Fair-trade? Didier Leiton Valverde and Nela Perle refer to the case of pineapples and bananas. We report on the inspiring Minat recycling project in Honduras. Lucy Goodman, Martin Mowforth and Banana Link write about Solidarismo, a controversial alternative to trade unions.

Newsletter 50: June 2010

Newsletter 50: June 2010

Honduras is a key focus. Dr Juan Almendares, founder of Movimiento Madre Tierra, provides a passionate call for campesino land rights. We report on the advances of National Front of Popular Resistance and the progress of our funded partners in Honduras.

Newsletter 49: December 2009

Newsletter 49: December 2009

This issue starts with two articles of Panamanian Indigenous struggles and successes against hydroelectric dam projects that threaten their land. Several articles respond to the June Honduran coup – Martin Mowforth summarises the issues and we publish the indigenous Garifuna and COPINH organisation’s condemnation of repression and assassination attempts.

Newsletter 48: July 2009

Newsletter 48: July 2009

We cover initial reports of the June military coup in Honduras, and a Friends of the Earth statement describes the repression of environmental activists following the coup. We cover the EU’s attempts to muscle through free trade agreements in Central America, and then El Salvadoran environmentalists highlight the destruction caused by large scale tourism.

Newsletter 47: March 2009

Newsletter 47: March 2009

We focus the fist half of this issue on the global food crisis’ effects in Central America. João Pedro Stedile summarises how globalised finance speculation has robbed small farmers of economic security. Costa Rica’s Biodiversity Coordination Network explains how new Seed Laws benefit large companies over small farmers.


SELVA for Environment Celebrations $400

MAO toward cost of participating in ” 3rd March for Life ” $400

IPES ( Permaculture Institute El Salvador) construction of 20 raised, organic vegetable gardens and seeds to sow $1180

ACIT (Indian Cultural Association of Teribe—Costa Rica) Plants and seeds for 2 hectares to feed wild animals $500