In newsletter 92, Liz Richmond visits MUFRAS-32 and IMAP. We show how bad trade policies make life unaffordable in Honduras. We also rounded up the biggest environmental stories from Central America.
ENCA produces 3 newsletters each year which are available digitally and in hard copy. The newsletters highlight both environmental struggles in Central America and the work of ENCA.
In newsletter 87 we examine concepts of sustainability in Panama, we report on the killing of Guapinol activist Oqueli Dominguez. We examine how Costa Rica seeks to combat environmental crime, and we report back on our virtual tour of Tobacco Caye in Belize.
In newsletter 85 we provide a round up of environmental stories from Costa Rica, we look at the fate of hydroelectric projects in the region. We also examine the state of plastics in Central America, and assess if Bukele’s bitcoin gamble has paid off.