ENCA member James Watson reports from a month with COPINH, Honduras
Since a military coup in 2009, Honduras has become one of the most repressive nations in Latin America. The Honduran “oligarchy” of rich landowning families has spread its power through the corrupted government, and the country has seen increasing militarisation in order to cement their control.
COPINH – the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organisations of Honduras – represent one of the knife-edge organisations fighting for human rights in Honduras. They work in the West of the country with indigenous groups such as the Lenca, who suffer constant marginalisation. The indigenous communities face threats to their land and natural resources, which the more powerful landowners and their connections to international business interests seek to control for profit. This frequently involves intimidation, violence, and criminalisation by the landowners and the authorities who support them.
COPINH support direct action, legal battles, and crucial international advocacy to fight their marginalisation. In June and July 2015, ENCA member James Watson has had the opportunity to make a brief visit to COPINH. This blog reports his experiences there – we hope you enjoy it, and please share the info and actions you see here on Facebook and beyond.