The Violence of Development: Resource Depletion, Environmental Crises and Human Rights Abuses in Central America

The Violence of Development: Resource Depletion, Environmental Crises and Human Rights Abuses in Central America

By Martin Mowforth

Published by Pluto Press

This book examines the failure of ‘development’ in Central America, where despite billions of dollars of development funding and positive indicators of economic growth, poverty remains entrenched and violence endemic.

The whole idea of development as it is imposed by transnational corporations and promoted by both First World and Third World governments is questioned.

Storm Warnings: Hurricanes Georges and Mitch and the lessons for development

Storm Warnings: Hurricanes Georges and Mitch and the lessons for development

By Martin Mowforth

Published by the Catholic Institute for International Relations (now Progressio), 2001

In late 1998 Hurricanes Georges and Mitch struck the Caribbean and Central America causing massive loss of life and wreaking chaos in agriculture, housing and infrastructure.

This book describes the impact of the two disasters and the responses of governments, civil organisations and local communities.

Donations granted: 2015

June 2015
AIDEPC — Cosiguina Peninsula Nicaragua — Reforestation of “bufferzone”     US $1000  ( GBP 650 )
MUFRAS 32 — Integration of antimining efforts between El Salvador, Guatemala & Honduras     US $800   ( GBP 520 )
JULY 2015
CENDAH — Monitoring and training of Spiny Lobster catchers and reversal of environmental     degradation — San Blas Islands, Panama     US $ 900   ( GBP 590 )

ENCA 63: March 2015

ENCA 63: March 2015

In this edition we report on the halting of the Barro Blanco project in Panama. We also have reports on how Nicaraguan coffee farmers are seeking creative solutions to drought and climate change. Sandra Cuffe reports on drilling the Caribbean and the indigenous communities who are speaking out against oil and gas exploration in Honduras.

Newsletter 62: November 2014

Newsletter 62: November 2014

This edition of the ENCA newsletter asks ‘where are workers rights?’ Banana Link reports on how Guatemala is the most dangerous place in the world to be a trade unionist. Pablo Rojas in and Didier Leitón Valverde discuss how pesticides in Costa Rica’s banana zones are seriously affecting pregnant women.

Newsletter 61: August 2014

Newsletter 61: August 2014

In this edition Jason Searing examines the dangers faced by conservationists in Central America, we have more on Infinito Gold’s lawsuit against the Costa Rican government over a cancelled gold mining contract, along side updates on actions by Pacific Rim and Tahoe Resources and the San Juan de Arriba mine collapse in Honduras.