Newsletter 56: September 2012

Newsletter 56: September 2012

In this edition, Martin Mowforth looks past Fasucce’s newly acclaimed environmentalist front. We catch up on the latest news from the Nica-Tico Eco conflict and Pacific Rim vs. El Salvador. Stephanie Williamson exposes Costa Rica’s dependency on pesticides and James Watson explores the other aspects of Costa Rica’s battle for their environment.

Newsletter 55: March 2012

Newsletter 55: March 2012

In this edition Patricia Blanco explores the controversial Turtle “egg poaching” in Costa Rica and Tobie Roffey looks at how Costa Rica is putting its eco-reputation at risk. Barney Thompson updates us on the violence faced by journalists in Honduras, and Jason Searing shares the successes at Los Zorros Turtle Project in Nicaragua.

Newsletter 54: November 2011

Newsletter 54: November 2011

Our Marine Matters special explores the impact of people and corporations on these complex systems. Mangroves are a focus: Grettel Navas Obando introduces the notion of Blue Carbon; Stephanie Williamson reports on their contamination in El Salvador; and we look at the rise of shrimp producing ‘gangsters’ in Honduras.