ENCA Member James Watson explores the advantages and disadvantages of flightless travel by embarking on a journey to Central America without a plane ticket.

James was also able to raise £550 for ENCA through donations made in support of his endeavour. His blog below outlines the process of planning and undertaking the trip as well as detailing visits to many communities and organisations with whom ENCA has worked.

Cargo Ship Travel – The BF Ipanema

Cargo Ship Travel – The BF Ipanema

I am now back on land in Central America, after a very sedate 18 days at sea on the ‘BF Ipanema’ cargo ship. More than the hitch-hiking, this voyage was something I was anxious about when planning my trip – how would I cope with such a long time on a ship, with no one but crew to talk to and surrounded by thousands of miles of very deep ocean?